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Whether it's just for a weekend or 100+ days during the season, snowboarding is an incredible sport to boost your mood and get you outdoors in the presence of beautiful Mother Nature during the winter months.

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Snowboard Health, snowboard IQ, Snowboarding safety -

Throughout a season it can be easy to start shaving time off your sleep due to late nights socialising and early mornings to catch the first chair on pow days! A poor night's sleep often results in exhaustion the next day. You may feel a severe lack of focus and reduced cognitive function, which can be extremely dangerous with a board is strapped to your feet. 

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Snowboard Fitness, snowboard foods, Snowboard Health, snowboard IQ -

When charging hard on your board, I'm sure you will have felt those legs burning at some point! It can get so intense you have to stop instantly to ease off the burn and let your muscles recover. Let's dive into the science of lactic acid to see if we can beat out leg burn and improve your performance on snow.

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Snowboard Education, snowboard foods, Snowboard Health -

After snowboarding it's crucial to re-fuel and regenerate your body so that it's fresh for the next day. Especially those legs muscles to stop them burning and aching! A lack of essential nutrients and poor food choices can leave your legs feeling heavy and lethargic when snowboarding for multiple days.

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Snowboard Education, snowboard IQ, Snowboarding safety -

The dangers of over-exposure are real and life-threatening when exploring the mountains with your snowboard. The effects can catch you unaware and set in extremely quickly, even if the sun is shining.

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